Vocabuilder - Improve your Foreign Language Vocabulary

Vocabuilder is a program to help you practice new words you learn in a foreign language. You type in words and their meanings (denoted as sense) as you learn them. The program will score your performance, and try to test you on the new words, or on words that you score poorly.


  • Download and run .:vocabuilder.exe. The self-extracting installer will save the program under C:\Program Files\Vocabuilder. You can run the program either by following Run Vocabuilder shortcut created on the desktop, or by double-clicking on C:\Program Files\Vocabuilder\Vocab.exe file.
  • You can delete the initial C:\Program Files\Vocabuilder\Vocab.txt dictionary file if you desire.


The program consists of the following components:

  • Dictionary: You can add a new Word and its Sense (meaning) to your dictionary, or remove an existing word-sense pair. Dictionary can also be used as reference; the words in the list will be filtered as you type into Word or Sense fields, allowing you to search through your dictionary. The dictionary with your scores are saved in the C:\Program Files\Vocabuilder\Vocab.txt file, which you could also edit by hand.

  • Review: You will be asked to type the word (or sense) when given the sense (or word). You can use Alt+Key combinations as shortcuts to the buttons. For example, Alt+C will invoke Cheat command and give you the letters of the answer one by one.

  • Multiple Choice will ask you to find the sense (or word) of a word (or sense) from a given list of choices. You can use keys 'a',…,'e' instead of mouse-clicks.

  • Hangman:

  • Crossword Puzzle: A cross-word puzzle from your dictionary list is created. You can specify the size of the puzzle (Rows/Columns). The quality option determines how long the program should search for a good-quality puzzle. The crossword will be displayed in your browser. Note that, unlike in other components, the crossword scores are not stored as part of your performance.