====== Moodle Chat Module Revamped ====== ===== NEW FEATURES ===== * chatinput: added **multiline text** (use Shift+Enter to send), **html**, and **drawing** input features. * chatd: works synchronously with other methods. * chatd: Sending **small but continuous dummy data** after each message (instead of sending a single big chunk of dummy data), works better for Firefox. IE doesn't need this dummy data. I haven't tested this for other browsers. * chatd: support for multiple sites. * fixed the jsupdated bug. now the messages is updated as soon as user sends a message. * Users can select the chat method and refresh rate. * users can select to show/hide pictures and enter/exit messages in chat session or in old chat reports. * fixed grouping bugs in chat reports. {{software:moodle_chat_revamped:chatd.revamped.jpeg?600|chat .revamped}} ===== INSTALLATION ===== * backup your old moodle/mod/chat directory. it's also a good idea to backup your database. * Download the {{download>software:moodle_chat_revamped:chat.tgz|moodle_chat_revamped.tgz}} file and unzip it in moodle/mod directory to replace your old moodle/mod/chat * Copy and paste the strings in the moodle/mod/chat/amet/chat_en_utf8.php to the end of your moodle/lang/en_utf8/chat.php file. * You need the **GD module** working for the images to be created. * You need to **open the chat daemon port** if you are using the daemon, and you are behind a firewall. ===== STARTING THE DAEMON ===== * Start the server like this (from the Unix command line): cd moodle/mod/chat/ahmet php chatd.php & * if you have multiple sites served from the same source, you can use (each site should have a different daemon-port setting) : php chatd.php --servername your.site.name.edu --start & * Or, if you are using a unix based server, add the following line (replace MOODLE_PATH with your moodle installation path, and replace www-data to the user that serves your web files) to your rc.local file: su - www-data -c "cd /MOODLE_PATH/mod/chat/ahmet; php /MOODLE_PATH/mod/chat/ahmet/chatd.php --start > /dev/null 2>&1" & ~~DISCUSSION~~